Can Aragonite Go in Water? (Quick Answer)

If you own a piece of aragonite and you’re curious as to whether or not the crystal can get wet, you’re not alone.

Cleansing crystals, particularly with water, is a great way to get rid of any negative energies that may be present.  And, while most crystals are okay with water, some don’t work as great as you think.  This is why you should always know if your crystal should go in water before you do so to avoid any damage.

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So, can you use aragonite in water?  Maybe.  Let’s explain.

Can aragonite go in water?

Yes, aragonite can go in water, as it’s a mineral composed of calcium carbonate, which is also a primary component of calcite.  Put simply, this is the primary component of calcite, the most common form of calcium carbonate, and aragonite and calcite both are stable in water.  Even when sourced, both can be found in marine environments, such as coral reefs and even mollusk shells.

However, even though aragonite can go in water, it doesn’t mean you should submerge this crystal in it as you will need to consider the water’s pH, temperature and other properties before placing it in it, as these factors can influence the mineral’s stability.

In many cases, though, aragonite will not be damaged when rinsed slightly under water, but if the water is acidic, aragonite can dissolve over time.  Since aragonite’s hardness is only a 3 to 4 on the Mohs scale, this simply means that it isn’t as safe in water as other crystals, but it doesn’t mean you have to avoid it 100%.  Usually, a crystal should rank above a six or so on the Mohs scale to be 100% water safe, but again, there are some ways around this to be safe.

If you’re going to use water, it’s highly advisable you use distilled water, usually with a pH ranging from 7-9 as this won’t be as acidic as other options.  Crystals that work well with water will usually do best with alkaline environments.  It’s best to refrain from salt water, rain water and even hot water in general, as these options may put stress on your crystal, which may cause slight damage.

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How to cleanse your aragonite with water

If you’re insistent on using water to cleanse your aragonite, then the best method is simply by using as little water as possible.

To do so, you will want to place your aragonite on a towel and then lightly spritz it with a water bottle.  Again, make sure that this water is filtered, as it will do best.  Hold the water bottle a few inches away and spritz all areas until it appears cleansed.

Once it’s cleansed, pat it dry with a towel.

Water isn’t the best way to cleanse aragonite, but it can be done; however, spiritualists mention that you should use other options instead, such as placing it outside under the moon or even on the ground to connect with the Earth.  Aragonite

You can also consider smudging it with a palo santo stick or even using tuning forks with a low hum frequency, as it’s said the lower vibration can help ground the aragonite with the Earth.

Can aragonite go in salt water?

It’s highly advisable that you steer clear of salt water as it may experience stress as well as breakage.

While you won’t see this happen right away, it can happen over time.  Salt water, as a safety precaution, should be avoided at all costs.

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Can aragonite go in rain water?

Usually, rainwater is a great way to cleanse your crystals as it contains energies that come directly from the Earth.  These high vibrations are enough for any crystals, but since rain water is often slightly acidic, it’s recommended that you avoid it as it can cause slight damage over time just like salt water.

Does aragonite dissolve in water?

As aragonite is a form of calcium carbonate, as mentioned, it’s usually stable in water; however, it can be affected by other factors.

For example, if the water is with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH, it’s going to be stable and won’t dissolve easily.  If the water is acidic, which means it has a lower pH, then aragonite will be more soluble and could dissolve over time.  This will be due to the reaction between the acidic water and calcium carbonate, forming soluble calcium ions and bicarbonate ions.

Keep in mind that if aragonite were to dissolve, it would be a very slow process and it will not dissolve rapidly before your eyes.  If you do want to use aragonite in an aquarium, it’s okay to do so as long as the water conditions aren’t acidic and meet appropriate water conditions to prevent the mineral from fading away.

In the end, most water is okay, but just be sure you avoid anything acidic.  You will read a lot about aragonite and water not mixing, but honestly, you will be safe with most fresh water.  Again, make sure it’s an alkaline water and you won’t have any issues at all.

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Hi! I'm Lauren, and I run Moonlight Gems AZ. I'm an avid crystal collector and would love to share my expertise with you.